Colin Kaepernic vs. Brandon Tatum (Why I stopped talking to my white friends about race in America!)

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Colin Kaepernic vs. Brandon Tatum (Why I stopped talking to my white friends about race in America!)

The following video link was sent to me as well as 7 other friends of mine in a group email.

Subject: Re: Now I have had enough – Why The Flag Means So Much To Americans

After watching the video my initial reply to this message was the following definition.

Voluntary Response Bias

In survey sampling, voluntary response bias occurs when sample members are self-selected volunteers, as in voluntary samples .
An example would be call-in radio shows that solicit audience participation in surveys on controversial topics (abortion, affirmative action, gun control, etc.). The resulting sample tends to overrepresent individuals who have strong opinions.


My friend replied:

You don’t agree with him?  Or do?  Or neither?
Sorry buddy!   I agree certainly with VRB.  MSM uses it ALL THE TIME!


When I finally had a moment, I replied with the following email.

It seems that our rights everyday are being challenged on some level.

We live in a country where citizens have the right to speak their opinion – whether you like it or not.

Colin Kaepernick Initiated a peaceful protest on his own terms and did not drive a vehicle into a crowd of people.  One of the “good guys” did that.  As  I recall a couple of weeks ago a white female doctor was arrested when she refused to give a police officer a blood test from one of her patients because the officer did not have a warrant. She was kind, courteous, and patient with the officer. She went so far as to show him the hospital regulation, which was cowritten by the police chief, about how the situation should be handled.  The officer arrested her.  No one stood up and stopped him and advised him that he was violating her rights.  Colin is kneeling for everyone, the fact that he is black, makes some people angry and somehow negates the issue that he is attempting to address.  The concept “black lives matters” would not exist if the general mindset that “black lives matter also” existed.  White people do not have to say “white lives matter” because it is generally a given.

The NFL players employers are consenting to them taking a knee.  In many cases, the employers are kneeling beside them.

The US Govt. pays the NFL to unfurl flags and display patriotism.  Thats called propaganda not patriotism. (Tackling Paid Patriotism)

Donald Trump is our duly elected president; whether people like it or not.

Donald Trump called his constituents “sons of a bitches”, fellow US citizens, and implied that they ought to be fired from companies that he does not own.

Donald Trump does not own an NFL team (as far as I know); therefore, he ought not use the bully pulpit of the White House to intimidate people who are exercising their right to protest, just as he exercised his right to avoid that Vietnam draft due to “bone spurs” and “education deferrals”.  What exactly was he “standing for” when he was draft dodging? Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet. by Steve Eder and Dave Philipps

He said there were good people on the other side, which I agree with; however, he did not say that the Klansman and Neo Nazi’s were bad people standing on one of the sides.  The ENTIRE WORLD had to pull his fingernails out to get him to denounce hate groups by name, yet he easily threw stones at Colin.  He pretends he does not know David Duke and pretends that he never heard of him before.

The US govt. found sheriff Joe Arpaio GUILTY in a court of law of racial profiling.  Then they found him in contempt when he continued rounding up people just because of their skin color and “appearance” that they were Mexican.  Yesterday in my physical fitness class in NC, my instructor, who is a white female, addressed the class and mentioned how in certain cultures people will eat certain foods and that it can have an impact on their health.  She mentioned tacos and then turned to my classmate and said “no offense!”  Her implication was that my classmate was Mexican.  He is Puerto Rican and an American citizen.  Fuck Arpaio and his racial profiling ass.

Police Officer Brandon Tatum, of Tucson, AZ, is also correct in his assessment of the black community in the “viral” video that you forwarded.  The situations that he talks about are substantial, and real.  Within the black community people have been trying to get the community to bond together for years.  Take a moment to listen to this song published by a prominent music artists back in 1989. It’s called self destruction.    I beg you to listen to that song.  I implore you.

Have you ever heard of the Million Man March?  What was that hooplah all about?

I am glad that Brandon has taken the time to readdress the problem within the black community.  I am glad that he also became a police officer and is walking the walk.  He should truly be admired; however, I feel that his video is only getting legs because he went to a Trump rally and published a video about how bad he was treated by “anti-trump” protesters when he was really there to just find out for himself what Trump was about.  (I can relate to that.  He did his due diligence.  You ought to go hear and see for yourself, then formulate your argument to support or not support a candidate).  And because Tatum was a black person, specifically a black man, speaking against what white Trump supporters saw as a “liberal” dialog about how Trump people were crappy and it was really the anti-Trump protestors that were the problem, his video “Police officer Brandon Tatum talks about his experience at the Donald Trump rally in Tucson, AZ” grew legs.  His experience strongly resembles that of the other black lawman David Clarke.  David Clarke appears to speak to the opposite of what “liberal” people talk about and so because he is black, and a lawman, he must be listened to.

“Look black people, these guys agree with us and they are black.  You ought to be lockstep with them because they are right!”

It is also important to note that on multiple occasions I observed videos where people were protesting at a Trump rally and as they were being escorted out, they were “sucker punched” by Trump supporters.  Seems to me that Brandon’s experience is his, and the other people experienced something totally different.  But for his sake, I am glad that he had a good experience, it made him famous and helped educate people about the issues plaguing the black community.

If you would like to speak to Brandon, let me know,  I will get his phone number and actually have him call into your show if you are interested.  He has appeared on Fox news so I am sure he wouldn’t mind appearing on your show as well.    He just lives right up the block in Tucson so it’s not like he has to leave Chicago, Gary, Compton or Houston or any of those other tough black communities.  I’m glad that he has a platform now which I hope helps people understand some of the problems plaguing our community.  And those exact problems are plaguing the white community as well.

Colin is also correct.  Brandon is hitting the nail on a local community level, Colin has a larger platform and is using it, peacefully.  If you have a problem with his protest perhaps instead of calling him names, perhaps one should ask “why are you doing that?” and then be open minded when he answers.  Don’t just shit on him because it is easy to do via the internet.  He is an American citizen and should have equal rights afforded to him by the US Constitution, just as you have those same rights; however, Colin, like many others who share the same view, believes that his rights are subjugated or trumped by a white Americans rights.  Somehow because he is brown, he should constantly have to feel threatened by police officers or the legal system.  I have many friends who are police officers and I respect the job they do; however, I am aware that police officers, who are hired to do a job, insert their own brand of justice and it sucks.  Every ticket that you have ever received or didn’t receive was at the “personal discretion” of the citing police officer.  Police officers behaviors are supported by a system.  A legal system that drops the hammer on black males worse than any other citizens in this country.  You can turn your head to that fact if you like but there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary that is as tall as the one Dr. King stood on in his dream, which says otherwise.

So you ask me if I agree with Brandon.  Yes, Brandon hit the nail on the head and those issues are at the forefront of our community.  Our community, like no other that I know of, is constantly trying to improve in that matter.

So you ask me if I agree with Colin.  Yes, Colin hits the nail on the head on a national level and he is peacefully protesting.  You don’t have to agree with him, but he has the right to do it.  Or are rights only reserved and relegated to white people?  Should the Native Americans also shut up and not protest US corporations building pipelines across what they feel is sacred to them?    They had the right to protest, and they did so peacefully.

Ruby Ridge happens and we are supposed to be sympathetic.  They were just “exercising their rights”.  Bundy refuses to pay the govt money for using government land to graze his cattles and suddenly heavily armed militia (overwhelmingly white people) show up to defend his rights.  KKK and Nazi’s decided to have a rally, and armed militia(majority white people) show up in droves to “keep the peace” and protect the rights of people to peacefully protest.  Why were they there anyways?  And why was it acceptable?

Somewhere in Russia, someone drew up a plan to destabilize this country and they are using social media and president Trump (albeit unwittingly. perhaps!) as the impetus to effect their plan.  And it is working.  People are circulating bullshit without even reading it or taking the time to determine if what they are reading is even real.  And even if they realize that it is fake, they continue to circulate it when in actuality it ought to be flagged and deleted.

On their own volition, citizens of this country made political decisions based on fake news articles and fake news stories circulated on social media platforms.  They continue to follow that same pattern even after Snowden and even after Facebook admitted that on purpose they manipulated 689,003 of their users news feeds and emotions.
Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users’ Emotions For Science  On purpose, FACEBOOK FUCKED WITH YOU!  (Look how Red Arizona is.  Phranq, look for the plate!)  [aside: “the plate” is a reference to the Nazi plate revealed in the movie American Beauty.]

I deleted my facebook and do not have twitter or any of the social media stuff.  I am tired of them.  It is exhausting to see the clear bias created by voluntary self selected surveys (postings) where people are either on the far left or far right.  Such as the Brandon Tatum video which is the subject of this email or the “cotton picken” Hobby Lobby picture from the previous email.  It is EXHAUSTING.  I can’t believe you all still have the energy to sift through all that bullshit.  You must be ultra-social media marathoners.  I tapped out at mile marker 6.

I truly appreciate you all and love you and your families; however, I honestly do not want to receive emails like these any more.  They are generally created and circulated with a massive bias and I just don’t want to be a part of President Vladimir Putin’s plan.  My phone number is (602) 703-2638.  If you would like to yap with me, please call anytime.  It would be great to hear from you.  If you want to send me funny cats or laughing kids that are not created by you and are circulated through social media, I am just not interested.  I have traveled the world and embrace people of all cultures no matter what their circumstance.  I am open minded to having discussions about anything because I get a chance to check my own references for truth.  Perhaps I have information in my head that is not true and by having conversations I have been able to clear out some of my own cobwebs.  But on the social media platform, I am completely closed minded and just not interested.

Love and hope you all have a terrific evening.


By |2018-06-26T14:05:42-04:00June 26th, 2018|Relationships in America, Research Papers|0 Comments

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