Keep Your DNA to yourself!

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Keep Your DNA to yourself!



Geneology as a Business

What They Did!

Authorities used a private DNA Database to catch Joseph Deangelo who is the man believed to be the Golden State Killer

How They Did It!

source: Time
The Arrest of the Golden State Killer Puts DNA Sites in the Spotlight

DNA Clears Virginia Man of 1982 Assault source 🔗:The New York Times 'The DNA test now points to a suspect later convicted for rapes that might have been prevented if justice had prevailed in the first place.' ~Peter Neufeld, co-director with Barry Scheck of the Innocence Project at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York
How Reliable Is Your Memory source 🔗:TED TALK - Elizabeth Loftus Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus studies memories. More precisely, she studies false memories, when people either remember things that didn't happen or remember them differently from the way they really were. It's more common than you might think, and Loftus shares some startling stories and statistics -- and raises some important ethical questions.
The Central Park Five, the Scottsboro Boys, and the Myth the Bestial Black Man source 🔗:American University Washington College of Law “After interrogations which lasted as long as twenty-eight hours, each of the youngsters confessed to involvement in attacking and raping Meili. None confessed to actually raping her, but each said he had held or hit her, and each blamed the actual rape on one or more of the others. Although each of the defendants later maintained his innocence, insisting that the confessions were coerced, all five were convicted and sentenced to prison terms of between five and fifteen years. The incident lives as one of the most racially divisive in recent American history, and until January 2001, the case was considered closed.”
Trump 1989 interview on the 'Central Park Five' source 🔗:CNNMoney In 1989, after five teenagers were arrested for the rape of a woman in Central Park, Donald Trump took out an ad in The New York Times calling for the death penalty. The men were convicted, but later exonerated. Watch Trump's interview with Larry King.
Trump Makes Outrageous Statement On Central Park 5 source 🔗:The Young Turks, Youtube Publication
On June 18, 2019 President Trump, refused to concede that the Central Park five did not rape Meili even though the DNA and the confession of the actual rapist exonerated the five young boys.




Step 1.  Trick people into giving up there DNA

How? By giving them "something for nothing", say- a DNA trace program.

Step 2.  Bundle DNA samples and sell to the highest bidder

How? put together the DNA and tell tricked people that it will be anonymous and they have nothing to worry about. Sell there DNA to the highest bidder and do not pay the individuals that donated that DNA to the cause. Because the DNA is "packaged" as anonymous, the original DNA holders cannot make a claim against said company. (You would never directly give your DNA to a pharmaceutical/biotechniical company en masse. But you would give it to their intermediary without blinking.

Step 3. Pharmaceutical/BioMedical companies will isolate genes and make patents

Once the developing companies have their source material they will immediately begin sequencing and setting up "cures" based on DNA samples. If you have a particular variation in your DNA that goes against that companies patent, you will be sued. If you get a holistic treatment for your ailment that said companies can directly trace to your DNA, you will be sued. (MONSANTO!)

Companies will charge exorbitant amounts of money for you to have access to said treatments even though there cost is only a fraction of what you are going to have to pay or what will be absorbed by the healthcare system. - Mylan already did it with the Epipen. ( the oversight & government reform cmte hearing exposed her and her company for what they are worth. If you did not watch it, you were being distracted by some Trump foolishness.)

She is a fraud and her whole company is a shell.

UPDATE! Mylan Pharmaceutical closed their PA plant and moved the shell company overseas.

Stop falling for these hucksters and keep your DNA to yourself! They are lying.

Here Comes The Landslide!

23andMe has sold the rights to develop a drug based on its users’ DNA

China is racing to collect Americans DNA Information!

Do you think that global pandemic of the Coronavirus would make a perfect cover to collect, aggregate, and decipher peoples DNA from every corner of the globe at the exact same time?

Update: You think I don't know what I'm talking about?  Think again!

China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It
Source: NPR

China knows more about your DNA than you do! Please Stop!


BigPharma's watching

Wait a second!  It's also a pharmaceutical company?  Did you know that when you spit into the cups?

Please keep your DNA to yourself.  Next thing you know, you won't be able to get onto an airplane unless you spit into a tube and hold your arms up and cough.  The movie Gattaca comes to mind.

23andMe Is Under Fire. Its Founder Remains ‘Optimistic’


By |2024-02-19T21:05:42-05:00May 2nd, 2018|Divided Country, Research Papers|Comments Off on Keep Your DNA to yourself!

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